
Boundary Prima System: The Ultimate Modular Pack

Created by Boundary

The Prima System's adaptable storage and dynamic features make life more comfortable by providing a simple carry solution for daily use and traveling. The Prima Pack, Verge Case and Fieldspace provides unbeatable organization and adapts for unplanned stowage. Unique magnetic trims, YKK Stormguard® zippers and high performance fabrics let you store and access gear effortlessly while providing peace of mind

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 6 years ago – Wed, May 23, 2018 at 11:21:15 PM

Dear Backers,

As we near Boundary’s one year mark we want to make sure that everyone’s orders have been shipped and to review some of the amazing things that have happened, while providing some insight as to what our team learned along the way. We have accomplished so much together and learned a lot along the way over the past year.

The Power and Passion Within Boundary’s Kickstarter Community  

As we surpassed our funding goal and witnessed our beloved Prima Systems coming off the production line, we couldn’t wait to get these beautiful packs in the hands of our community, to witness the quality and attention to detail. With growing sales and an expanding community, our factory could not make Prima Systems fast enough. Luckily with your patience and feedback our team turned things around and shipped out over 10,000 units to over 85 countries in less than a year’s time.  

Fast forward to present day; Boundary now has a full customer service team and four fulfillment centers worldwide to deliver products cheaper and faster than our competitors. Your help and constant feedback helped our team grow into what it is today: a worldwide direct-to-consumer brand, built by a community and crew hell-bent on doing something unique and different.

Choosing The Right Partners  

Starting a crowd funding campaign is terrifying and amazing. When Boundary first began to ship products, we did not place heavy importance on the capabilities of the fulfillment service. From December to April, we worked tirelessly to learn what makes a world class fulfillment center. To date, Boundary has some of the best fulfillment centers in the world, but we endured some serious growing pains.  

What we learned, whether marketing, fulfillment, or collaborative projects, is to always perform due diligence and make sure partners have your true interests at heart along with a customer service staff for support when problems arise. Additionally, when problems arise, don’t panic and inform your community ASAP so everyone can share the ups and downs of the campaign.

World-Class Customer Service and Order Fulfillment. 

Once we hit the launch button on our campaign our wildest dreams came to fruition and very quickly found ourselves in the midst of a rapidly growing company ran by 3 gear junkies, not customer service experts. As products left the factory on time and backers began to experience delays at fulfillment centers, many grew frustrated with: the lack of communication, missed deadlines, and long response times. Many of you kept the faith and that will always mean a lot to our team!

Now, our in-house customer service team is three strong and constantly working with our fulfillment centers and factories to provide you with the most up to date information. During the month of June, we will launch our new Shopify site launches, giving us the ability to send up to date information about your order via email and text message. Our fulfillment centers in the USA, Europe, and Asia can now ship to a majority of countries with 2-3-day delivery.

We are proud to say that our customer service and fulfillment team is a product of the Kickstarter community and we hope that if you have had a bad experience, you will give us another shot at earning back your trust. Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you feel there is something Boundary’s team could be doing better, or if you feel there is a wrong that still needs to be righted.

It truly is your support that has led to Boundary getting Kickstartered. We hope that you take a minute to answer these questions below to help us prepare for our next Kickstarter…that might be launching in the next 4-5 weeks….ssshh don’t tell anyone!




Happy New Year and 2018 Shipping Update
over 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 04, 2018 at 11:22:28 PM

Happy New Year Everyone!

After weeks of back and forth we are seeing more progress from our Singapore Fulfillment Center and DHL Jakarta. As of this moment over 2,200 orders have shipped and our Singapore fulfillment center has promised everything will be completed by middle of next week. Our containers from Indonesia have arrived in the USA and this week they are heading to our NEW FULFILLMENT TEAM in Las Vegas. Boundary’s new fulfillment team will be operational by January 15th, 2018.

Our team uses to see and track the current status of everyone’s order(s) and if your order is marked as “ready to ship”, we are doing everything in our power to fulfill your order ASAP. The information on your profile is the most up-to-date and correct information available. We are happy to help with other concerns but for tracking and shipping information please reference your Backerkit profile.

Our team is receiving on average 500-700 emails per day and most of the emails are asking for tracking numbers or shipping updates. Please kindly understand that our team can only send tracking numbers through so everything stays organized. If you need access to your Backerkit profile, please click the following links and use the email address associated with your purchase to log in.



If you have any problems with your Backerkit Profile, please email directly — [email protected] and they will help you gain access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Indonesia - Your shipments are clearing the bonded free zone this week and will be ready for shipment next week. Please note there will be no duties or VAT expected when your package is delivered.

Singapore — These packages have not shipped first because all packages — those with accessories and those without accessories — need to clear the bonded free zone in a consolidated clearance. Our team has asked multiple times for more information as to why the fulfillment center has processed countries in this specific order and at this time they have not provided an answer. Please note you can not go to the fulfillment center to pick up your package as this violates customs regulations.

Short Shipped Orders and/or Orders Missing Accessories — Your items will be sent separately from our USA distribution to insure accuracy and a timely turnaround. Our Singapore fulfillment center is just not cutting it. We are scheduled to start shipping orders from the USA the week of January 15th, 2018, so please be patient.

Customs Invoices — We have been pushing and constantly asking for the fulfillment center to provide these invoices but they have not. They have promised to send them and we are still waiting. If you have not received your invoice please do not let your package get sent back to the fulfillment center. It is important that you collect your package and pay the associated VAT so you do not experience more delays by having the fulfillment center resend your package to you.

Extra Tracking Numbers — Our team in Singapore has reached out to DHL and they are investigating the issue. At this time we are being told that it may be an internal error with the DHL system, the issue has been escalated and we need to wait for further details. We are as frustrated as you are with this and doing everything in our power to find a solution and relay the cause and solution to this problem to you. Please only reference and pay the tracking numbers currently uploaded in your backerkit profile. If you have paid for another tracking number outside your Profile, you will need to contact DHL directly to recoup the funds or to have DHL apply the paid amount to the new unpaid tracking number — we honestly have not control over this.

Change of address — Please note that before the surveys were locked, it was the last chance to change an address. If you have relocated you will need to contact DHL directly to request a delivery change.

Shipping Regions

All the following regions will be shipped from the USA (1/15/18) - Please refer to your Backerkit profile for updates and tracking info — Canada, North America/Outlying Territories, South America, Africa.

All the following regions will be shipped from Singapore and estimated to be shipped by early next week (1/8/18) — Please refer to your Backerkit profile for updates and tracking info — Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Europe, and Singapore. 

All the following regions will be shipped from DHL Jakarta and estimated to be shipped by middle of next week (1/10/18) — Please refer to your Backerkit profile for updates and tracking info — Japan, S.Korea, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc..

Thank you very much for your support and patience during the holiday season. We appreciate your continued support as we work through these growing pains. Our team has learned a lot throughout this process and the next time around we'll handle our logistics differently to insure these same issues do not happen again. 


Cavin, Brandon, and Brad

almost 7 years ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 04:46:00 PM

Good Morning!

We are happy to say that packs will begin to arrive this week and continue throughout the coming weeks before Christmas. Right now DHL and our fulfillment center are working extremely hard to process as many packages per day as humanly possible. If DHL contacts you for duties or anything other than tracking number notification, please contact [email protected] before responding to DHL to avoid any confusion. 


To those who paid for expedited shipping, when you purchased this option it is to guarantee Christmas delivery. There are still  2 weeks until Christmas which still gives us time to fulfill this promise, so please be patient. 


DHL has confirmed that this week the majority of packages should arrive that do not have accessories. Before your packages were shipped, DHL was told the value of your packages, so if DHL has reached out to confirm the value of your package, please tell them the shipper has declared this already and contact us immediately — please send an email to [email protected] so we can handle this efficiently.


Sometime this week all the accessories and remaining packs will arrive at our fulfilment house for picking and packing. We are estimating that this will take 1-2 days then your packages will be sent to DHL for shipment. Please allow a few more days to confirm that the container has cleared customs and then we will notify you that your items are being shipped.


We have worked with DHL to predetermine the value of each package so that your duties and taxes are minimized. Please note that if DHL is asking for any confirmations or further information, please reach out [email protected]. DHL should not need to contact you regarding duties! 


Please be understanding and have compassion that this shipping process is out of our hands. Cavin is pushing DHL daily and beyond that, there is nothing more that we can do. We have promised to deliver by Christmas and we are working hard to meet that goal. Right now is the busiest time of the year for shipping companies so please expect a few extra days for shipments or communications from DHL.


DHL should not need to contact anyone regarding shipment values, if in the event DHL does reach out to you, please get in touch with Boundary first! If DHL does this it is because your local government is asking for more information. In the event that this does happen, please send an email to [email protected] and she will work with DHL Singapore or DHL Jakarta to solve the issue in a timely manner.

almost 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 12:00:06 AM

Hi Everyone!

Kindly understand information regarding shipping is relayed via our team of forwarders and shipping partners. We will provide you information as fast as we receive it, so please be patient, as hard as that might be.

Europe, Australia, US(Expedited), India, Canada and Singapore

This week we’ll release tracking numbers for all international and expedited USA shipments that were ordered without accessories. Tomorrow numbers will be sent out via Backerkit. Please note that we’re waiting confirmation that the containers have arrived at DHL Express before we can release tracking numbers.

To those of you who ordered accessories, we are shipping out containers this week. Once we have confirmation the containers have cleared customs tracking numbers will be released. Your packages are still going to arrive before Christmas, so please don’t panic. We have expressed how important this is to DHL and they’ve promised not to let us down!

Asia – Excluding Singapore

Your packages are being picked and packed at the factory this week. We guarantee early next week all of your packages will be out for shipment. Once we know your package has been released from the factory your shipping number will be provided.  

USA Domestic Shipments + South America

Containers were sent to the USA 2 weeks ago and will arrive in the USA on 12/26/2017. Once the container arrives we will update you with further information. We are still looking to have orders delivered by the first or second week of January.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to Elena@boundarysupply. We are all back from Indonesia and in the office, so our response times should be faster. We sincerely apologize for any delays in receiving a response from Boundary.

Projects and Teams We're Backing:

Our friends at Revelar designed a pretty rad packable backpack made in the same factory as our Prima System. We are backing Revelar's E-Pack because it does not sacrifice either durability for weight or packability for technical features. They only have 24 hours left, so grab yours before they end their campaign.

Built For Adventure
Built For Adventure


Built For The Commute
Built For The Commute





almost 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 11:40:09 PM

Hi Everyone!

For the past month our team has been working with shipping companies and living at the factory to insure production went smoothly. Things are going great and we are finally ready to begin shipments. Please read the below sections carefully to fully understand the current status of your Prima System and when to expect it!


To those located in the United States, in order to guarantee Christmas delivery an additional $25 dollars is required to airfreight your package. This additional cost avoids the massive holiday congestion at the ports and is determined by freight forwarders and airlines. If you would like to guarantee Christmas delivery, please CLICK HERE and upgrade your shipment to express delivery. Our deadline for collecting this fee is Monday — November 27th, 2017! The extra $25 dollars puts you in the same express shipment category guaranteed to our international backers.

Those who do not require guaranteed Christmas delivery, no further action is required. Your package will arrive at your door around January 15th, just a few weeks after the holiday season. 



Your packages are being sent express to its final destination so you are guaranteed to receive your package before Christmas. We have worked very hard with DHL to make sure that duties and VAT taxes are minimized. Many countries have governmental agreements that exclude imported goods manufactured in Indonesia from duties and VAT taxes.

  In the slight chance you incur a small amount of duties or VAT charges — don’t worry we have you covered — please send an email to [email protected] and we will issue you a store credit for the amount paid.


Cheers — Cavin, Brandon, Brad